
Carbon Policy Ideation


Carbon credits, public policy, nature-based solutions, corporate social responsibility


PT. Jejak Enviro Teknologi (Jejakin) PT NAWA TEKNOLOGI MANDIRI (Nawatech)

About My Research

Enter the summer of my junior year. Excited to explore the interplay between environmentalism and public policy, I pursued an internship at Jejakin, a climate-tech startup who creates carbon management programs for corporations and consumers, as their first high school intern. I worked as a Business Development and Policy Research Intern to pitch to clients like Bank Central Asia and Siam Cement Group, as well as to draft carbon policy proposals to the Indonesian governemnt.

I was also tasked to optimize Jejakin's CarbonIQ platform, which analyzes a client's carbon footprint through Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emission methodologies. I designed 2 new methodologies for Scope 2 emissions, which are now implmeneted for all of Jejakin's clients moving forward.

Check Out My Research in Action!


