
"Mismatch" is my young adult science fiction novel written for middle school to high school audiences. The story is set in 2020 and follows five teenagers—Conor, Sara, Angela, Malcolm, and Isaac—who develop abilities as manifestations of their deepest fears and insecurities. After years of refining the story and overcoming my initial hesitation to publish, I decided to collaborate with Gramedia to bring Mismatch to life. The book launched in September, accompanied by a book recital for over 100 national school students, where I hoped to inspire a love for writing and English, much like the inspiration I once found.


National bestseller


Physical and digital purchases


Book recital events

September 2024: “Mismatch” is Launched at Gramedia’s Head Office in Jakarta, Indonesia with Over 100 National School Students Attending a Book Recital and Signing